FHLM Mar, Apr, May 2014 Update-Office/Youth Center Renovation & Opening, U.S. Furlough, Back in Uganda!
Greetings everyone! Too much time has passed and much has happened since I last wrote you three months ago! Despite all the happenings and life moving along I praise God, our solid rock with whom there is no shadow of turning, who is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow because He himself is the beginning and the end… the Alpha and Omega!
That said here the update for the last 3 months:
Office/Youth Center: The 1st two weeks of March were spent doing cleaning, renovations, and painting, painting, painting! I have to give missionary, Darren O’Quinn, a BIG shout out of THANKS! Also thank Miss Sylvia for all her help too! Phase 1 got done and we moved all the office and library furniture and items in on 13 March. We spent the next few days getting organized and putting curtains up. Ahh it felt good to finally be settled into our new digs. Of course work with the youth continued and we put the new place into use right away, with a few counseling and career guidance talks. Soweto Youth Fellowship also completed their renovations and painting and had their 1st Youth Fellowship night on 19 March.
Darren and the “crew” completed Phase 2 of renovation and painting the corridors while I was in the U.S.
For Phase 3 our SOAR youth, David Mukisa, was commissioned to paint a mural and lend his artistic talents to the garage (a.k.a. Training Room) painting. The training room will be put to use as a place for your monthly movies with a message, discipleship, life-skills, leadership, and small business trainings. I have to say the mural to on a life of its own and within two weeks everyone from the H.U.G. Volunteers to youth coming in off the street helped paint it—what a blessing!
We were also blessed by a donation of 4 boxes of books; novels, Christian books, and autobiographies, from Harlan United Methodist Church for our Center Library. The books have already been put to use by the youth and we are hoping to see the youth of Masaka develop a reading culture.
I am so thankful to our living God for allowing us to have this building to do His work in the youth of Masaka, and for all He has done for us!
Rita’s U.S. Furlough: Praise God that I made it to the U.S. and back safe and sound! This furlough was one of my best yet! On the evening of 25 March I landed in Denver, Colorado and then headed up to my Auntie’s house in the mountains of Nederland, CO. As always I was a bit jet-lagged, so the first two days were pretty chill, but as usual the pace picked up fast. Over the course of the next 9 days I attended a Calvary Worship Center Woman’s Breakfast with my sister-in-law, had some great family time with my brother and family and we also went to Copper Mountain Ski Resort and Disney on Ice—fun times!
While in Colorado I was also blessed to speak to the Impact Church mission’s team. I thank Impact for their continued support of FHLM and our work here in Masaka. A big thank you goes out to Buck Reid for coordinating and introducing me to Pastor Chad and the congregation of the The Light Church, as well as Pastor Larry at JoyLand Church. I was so incredibly blessed to have the opportunity to speak at these churches and feel the presence of the Holy Spirit in our mist. I felt as if I had been transport back in Uganda where I first experienced the Holy Spirit’s presence in my life. I look forward to a future partnership with The Light and JoyLand Churches and thank them for their continued prayers for FHLM.
I was than off to San Diego for a busy but fun filled week split between time with Pastor Darren Hall and my dear friends, Desmond and Nancy Wong. During my time with Pastor Darren we were able to catch up on the many church ministry items that he and my husband, Rogers, are partnering with and I also attend a few prayer meetings with him. Pastor’s wife, Mary, and I had a great catch up too and discussed future ministry partnerships. During the week I had a visit and meeting at my home church, Maranatha Chapel, and my mission pastor, Brian Kelly, mission coordinator, Markeie Jones, and my Shepherd’s Staff regional pastor, Pat Kenny. Time with Desmond and Nancy was pretty chill, as we enjoyed family time with them and their new son. I thank Pastor Darren, Mary, Desmond and Nancy for their outstanding hospitality and care to me. I also thank my friends, Lee Wares-O’Day, and Chelsea Green for the time they took to meet up with me. God bless you all!
I than flew to Indiana for two weeks were I had a wonderful time with friends and my family; Mom, Mike, Dad, Carol and extended family. I especially enjoyed the quality time I spent with my Grandmother. I was blessed to have two Easters this year, one with Dad and family and one with Mom and family, and celebrate the resurrection of my Lord Jesus Christ. I was honored to have preached and taught the Word of God at Harlan United Methodist Church. I also connected with Debi at Harlan Christian Youth Center and we have discussed a future youth pen-pal exchange and partnership with their youth and the FHLM Center Youth. This is very exciting too!
I spent the last week of my time in the U.S. back in Colorado with my Auntie and cousins. Unfortunately we spent the vast amount of our time together at the hospital where my cousin, Zach, had been admitted for colitis. Fortunately the day I flew back to Uganda my prayers were answered and he was released from hospital.
I landed back in Uganda at 2am Uganda time on 28 April. After 26 hours of traveling I was exhausted, but grateful for God’s journey mercies over the 6 weeks of my travel. Of course the last few days of April and first week of May were spent recovering from jet-lag, spending time with Rogers, Rock & David and getting back into the pace of life in Uganda again—much different than the last 6 weeks of life.
FHLM Youth Update: On 19 May both Rock and Babirye started their 2nd Term of school at Masaka SS. In recent weeks they have been utilizing the Library space at the new office/youth center studying for school. (see pictures)
On 27 May all of Heaven was rejoicing because a young man named Ivan that has been coming to the FHLM Movie with a Message Days gave his life to the Lord! As he is still a new believer and facing financial issues, I ask you to please keep him in your prayers. Thanks!
I thank the Lord for His favor, as on 30 May, Kijjabwemi Secondary School added FHLM to their monthly outreach program with the youth. We will be reaching 1,500 students every month with the Word of the Lord!
As you can see it has been an amazing and blessed three months! I thank all of those that made these blessings possible!!! In return, may the Lord richly bless you!
Have a wonderful day and may God bless you and keep you all!
Director Faith Hope Love Missions
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