Greetings from Masaka! I hope you all are enjoying your summer. The month of July has been a challenging, so we praise God for His hand of comfort, faithfulness, wisdom, and provision.  Your mercy, O Lord, is in the heavens. Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds.  Psalm 36:5


CENTRE: On 2nd July the Centre’s water tank tower broke and the tank came crashing to the ground. It was so thunderous that the neighbors came running over to see what had happened! The stand was made of wood and had rotted. That said, over the next week I dealt with the overseas landlords, welder, contractors, and plumbers to get the issue rectified. Unfortunately over that time frame we were out of water and had to fill jerry cans from my home and to take to the Centre. In the end we were all grateful for the help of Uncle William and Ronald who got the tank stand set in place and our plumber Isaac for getting the water back on for us. 

That same day, the 2nd, we had some issues with the half-sibling of the landlords. He came threatening to remove us from the land as the court case against his half-siblings is not going well. We ask for prayers for God’s protection of us, for all the siblings to sort out their family issues, and for God’s provision to purchase land for the ministry. 

BOARD MEETING: On 20th July we had our 3rd Quarter Board Meeting to review the Centre renovations, and land issues, and discuss our 3rd Quarter objectives and programs. After the meeting we had lunch with all the SOAR Youth. The board members had interactions with the youth, most especially relating to career guidance. It was a good session because the board members narrated their academic journeys to motivate and encourage them to succeed with their dreams and careers. We are thankful to our board for their care and concern for the youth of the ministry.


CHARITY: On 4th July Shakirah texted me that Charity’s Aunt Sarah had been involved in a very serious boda accident as she was returning home from work. She was taken unconscious to Masaka Referral Hospital. After 24 hours she was still unconscious and unable to move, so they took her to a private hospital for scans. It was found that she had head trauma and clots in her lungs. The family decided to immediately take her via ambulance to Nysamba Hospital in Kampala. She remained there for several weeks, receiving a surgery to her lungs and more scans. The doctors finally tended to her broken leg by putting a steel rod in. Then she was released to go back to Masaka. Sarah is now at home but in a lot of pain. She has had some follow up doctors’ appointments at the hospital in Masaka. We consider her recovery a miracle from God and we thank Him for answered prayers! Please continue to lift Sarah up for a full recovery. Also pray for Charity, the family, and her caregivers. Thank you!     

PAMELA: Pamela prayed and decided to run for Assistant Head Girl of Masaka Secondary School. There were 7 young ladies in the preliminary run, but she and 3 others were chosen to contest for the post. She was the only day student in the running, all the other candidates were boarding students. There was a week of campaigning with posters that I made for her and sweeties for those who helped her campaign. In the end she received the majority of the votes and was given the post on 2nd July! We praise God for His blessing and the gift of leadership she has been given!    

FIELD TRIP: The secondary 4 candidate youth, Pius, Charity and Ruth went on a Geography Field Trip to the Kasenyi Fish Landing Site and Uganda Clays Ltd on 16th July. Kasenyi is a fishing site along the shores of Lake Victoria in Entebbe. Pius said that it was great to experience getting there via the Entebbe Expressway. He said he had never been on such a road. Here are some of the things the youth learned and experienced.

  • The type of fish caught at the landing site are Nile perch, tilapia, lung fish, synodontis, catfish, and haplochromis. That the fishing of these, is a major economic benefit for the fisherman and Uganda. They also learned about the environmental impact of fishing. They looked at the mapping of the area, and the physical features.
  • At Uganda Clays they learned about the process of brick & tile making from its raw state to its final product. Pius said that they employ 700 workers.      

MILLY: She along with her fellow Scouts from Masaka SS attended the Regional Scouts Camp at Lake Nabugago from 17th– 20th July. This year’s national theme is “Innovation-Next Step”. During the camp she participated in “good turn” were the teams go into a village and do an act of kindness out of good faith expecting nothing in return. She also joined in “innovative skills” were the teams make things like gardens on their camp-site and they were judged.  The whole team was part of flag ceremony, “parade work”; marching, footwork, and commands of the patrol leaders. These and other areas were judged and we give the Masaka SS Scout Team a BIG CONGRATS for winning regionals!! Now on to nationals in Entebbe.   

BIRTHDAYS: We celebrated Mark’s 15th Birthday on the 6th (his birthday is actually the 7th). It was fun to see his reaction to all the fanfare and the birthday cake! We pray for a long and blessed life for him.

On the 27th we celebrated Aunt Shakriah’s birthday! It was a fun day with cake, and balloons, and since it was movie day we added to the celebration with sodas and popcorns.   

JUSTINE: She spent up until the 26th at her cousins near Entebbe and enjoyed learning how to plate and braid hair at a local saloon. Then she traveled to Masaka for a visit. It was lovely to have her around for a few days. She went back to Kampala on 1st Aug to prepare for her 1st semester of 2 year at Kampala International University.  We pray that God gives her another successful semester!  


OUTREACH: Imelda, the warden in charge of the Women’s Prison, confirmed with Shakirah that there were 95 women and 8 Babies below the age of two years at the prison, so we decided to go on 6th July to minister to them. Before we set off for the outreach I led a group prayer. When we arrived we were welcomed by the assistant warden. We kicked off the outreach with a prayer by Pius and an introduction of each team member. Than Pamela and team led us all in beautiful praise and worship that ushered in the Holy Spirit. Immy than led the sermon in Luke 18:1-8 with the theme of; “Persistence in Prayer”. She told the ladies to persistent in prayer in order to overcome the battles in life. That persistence in prayer leads to answered prayers, trust in God, and growth in spirit. Shakirah supplemented with a teaching in Galatians 5:19 and 1 Samuel 1:1-28; seeing how Hannah persisted in prayer, pouring out her heart to God and God gave her a son Samuel. We encouraged the women prisoners to do the same if they want God to work for them. I was called to give the final remarks and I closed in prayer. Before we departed we gave them an essential gift, a box of soap. We pray that this day blessed the women as much as it did us.    

BIBLE STUDY: Throughout July we studied Genesis chapters 21 to 24. Each Tuesday Evening Bible Study we had a thought-provoking time teaching and interacting with the youth.  One of most interesting studies this month was on 09th July when we read and discussed Genesis 22:1-24 about Abraham’s faith and God testing his obedience. 

  • Ronald shared from verses 1-5 on Abraham’s obedience. He said God tested Abraham to see if he was worthy to be used. In verses 6-8 he asked why did God ask Abraham to give a human sacrifice?  Because Isaac was his miracle son. We need to sacrifice that thing that takes the space in our heart over God.
  • Juliet replied to Ronald’s questions and said that may be Abraham knew that God will restore Isaac back, as He is the giver of everything.
  • Pamela shared from verse 15. She said that we always have the things we love most but when we give them up to God there’s a blessing. She quoted Romans 12:1-2. In verse 17 we see God happy for Abraham’s obedience, so He is giving a full promise to Abraham.
  • Charity said that God is the giver and the one who takes. After struggling for so long to get a son, Abraham knew God was faithful and no matter what He would take care of him. We should give all hearts to God.
  • Milly spoke about verse 1, and its direction and instructions. Abraham didn’t hesitate on what God told him. We too are to seek the knowledge of the Holy Spirit and remember it is important not to take a blessing for granted.

WORKSHOP: On 13th July Eddy, our university bound youth, led a Relationship Workshop with the youth. It was great to have him discus this topic with his peers and have the youth hear his point of view of friendship, dating, courting, marriage, and our relationship with God. He reviewed the different qualities of a good friend; God fearing, trustworthy, defends and protects you, confidential, loving and caring, open and honest, patient/ kind and not jealousy. He also shared the consequences of marrying someone who is not of your religion, how it can lead to spiritual backsliding, and misunderstandings in families. During the workshop there were many interactive questions from the youth. We appreciate Eddy for his time and God for the answers to life’s questions.

MOVIE DAY: On 27th July we watched, McFarland U.S.A.. This true life, inspirational movie focuses on Jim White, a struggling coach, and seven young men from McFarland High School. Mr. Jim sees their potential for running, and starts a cross country team at the school.  After some struggles the team hits their stride and becomes the team to beat in the region. This movie was very uplifting for our youth who have come from similar and difficult backgrounds. Here are a few of their comments about the movie.

  • Pamela said that the journey of salvation is also a race, we see Thomas looking behind him during the state finals race, he saw someone behind, and he almost lost. We should not look back in our salvation because it could take us back to where we came from. In Hebrews 12:1 it says, run the race with endurance.   
  • Ruth said that we should always encourage each other in any race, especially in our faith race.
  • Ronald said that we should be faithful and hardworking just as the guys in the movie.
  • Justine also said that in the journey of success, there is always WE not I. We need other people, just as the team did, in order to succeed. As a team we get something we all agree on—that’s team work.
  • Immy said that we have to do whatever it takes to reach our goal! As the guys on the team also persisted, they succeeded and didn’t lose hope. Like in Jeremiah 29:11, it says God has a hope and a future for us.
  • Eddy said that Danny knew what he wanted. People will be there to discourage us but continue to press on. Romans 8:28.


Please pray for the continued health, safety, and provision of our Lord for our FHLM family, the board, the youth & their families, our supporters, donors, and the country of Uganda. Thank you and may the Lord continue to bless you and keep you all!

In His Grip,

Rita Bulegeya

Director -Faith Hope Love Missions


Categories Missionary News, Project News, Uncategorized, Youth News | Tags: | Posted on August 12, 2024

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