Greetings from Masaka! I hope this update finds you all safe, sound, and looking forward to Spring. We are praying this verse, as it has been hot, dry, and dust here! Zechariah 10:1 Ask the Lord for rain in the springtime; it is the Lord who sends the thunderstorms. He gives showers of rain to all people, and plants of the field to everyone. (NIV)


VISITORS: Throughout this month I had a few visitors. It was a BIG blessing to welcome my dear friend, Liz, back from the U.K. She spent the month of Feb in Uganda and I hosted her at my home for a few long weekends. We were also able to have a little get away to Lake Mburo National Park for 3 days. She had been sorely missed, so it was wonderful to spend time with her!  

Our old SOAR Youth, Babirye, came to visit me also.  I’m so thankful to God for answering prayers and bringing her home safe and sound from Syria! After she settled a bit in Kampala, and saw her husband and daughter, she came to Masaka the weekend of 22nd Feb. During her visit we spent hours talking about all that she had experienced and went through. All in all we cannot praise the Lord enough for protecting her and providing for her during her time in Syria.

PREACHING: I was asked by my friend and fellow board member, Pastor Augustine Ntaganda, to preach at his church, Exodus Church, on 16th Feb. The two of us, along with Ronnie, took the 45 minute drive out to the church that is located in the fishing village of Lambu, on the shores of Lake Victoria. The first service which started at 9am was preached by Assistant Pastor Richard on Foundations.  I took the second service that started at 11am and I taught on “Living in the Light of God’s Word” based on Psalm 119:105 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. Lambu, being a landing site or fishing village, there are people from all over east Africa living there, with various backgrounds and issues. I was blessed because the congregation was very receptive to the word taught. Many came to me after and thanked me for the encouragement and guidance. I give God all the glory and honor!  

BOARD MEETING: On 22nd Feb we held our 1st Quarter Board Meeting. After reading and getting updates from the 4th Quarter Board meeting minutes we jumped into new items. I shared the UNEB results for Pius, Ruth, and Charity and we discussed school options, and the advanced level combinations they had chosen. We also discussed at length the points that came out of the youth’s end of 3rd term Holiday Group Talk. From that we made a few program and policy changes based on their needs and ideas. All in all it was a productive meeting.


BACK TO SCHOOL: On 3rd Feb William, Pamela, and Mark started back to school for the 1st Term of the new 2025 school year.  Then on 17th Feb Ronnie started his 1st Term in Secondary 1. We are thankful to all of their sponsors that support them in completing their educational dreams! May God bless you all!  

EXAMS RESULTS: On Feb 11th the Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) released the Secondary 4 Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) exam results for 2024. As pioneers of the New Lower Level Curriculum, Pius, Charity and Ruth, all performed well. Each of them passed and received an Ordinary Level Certificate of Completion. Ruth received the overall best marks, mostly in the science subjects, while Pius and Charity received average marks. They were all accepted to apply for Advanced Levels. First and foremost we thank God for enabling all of them to pass successfully. Secondly we thank each of them for putting in their effort and we look forward to them achieving their hopes and dreams for their future.     

HOME VISITS: This month our Social Worker, Shakirah, started visiting the SOAR Youth homes again. She visited Ruth, Mark, and Charity’s homes. Her main aim during these visits is to assess the current situations and the home life of each of our youth. This gives us as ministry leaders a clearer picture of how to deal with any problems that the youth is having and find ways to counsel or assist them. I’m thankful for Shakirah’s heart for our young people.     

BIRTHDAY: Pamela’s birthday was on 28th Feb but we were able to celebrate it on 1st March. Of course we had a birthday cake and sang a few rounds of “Happy Birthday” to her. We pray that the Almighty God continues to use her for His good and glory and gives her a long life! 


FUN DAY OUT: We ventured out to Lake Nabugabo for a Fun Day on 8th Feb. Though the morning was rainy by the time we ate lunch the sun was starting to peek out. After lunch Ronnie, and Ruth donned their swimming costumes, grabbed the inner-tubes and jumped in the water.  Of course the others couldn’t be left out and soon they all joined in the fun, frolicking in the water. The day lived up to it’s name and was certainly FUN!

BIBLE STUDIES: Throughout the month of Feb we studied Genesis chapters 38 to 41. Here is a sample of our study on 11th Feb in Genesis 39:1-23 that was led by Shakirah.

She reviewed chapter 38 where Joseph is sold into slavery in Egypt. Then she gave an overview of Chapter 39. She stated that Joseph’s master testifies of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, so as Christians we need people to testify for us instead of doing it for ourselves. We also see the favor of God upon Joseph in verse 4, despite the lust of Potiphar’s wife, Joseph had no compromise in his faith. Though the wife’s sin persisted Joseph left his physical garment, but he saved the spiritual garment. We must run away from sin in order to save our souls.

Below are the comments from our discussion;

  • Ronald shared from verse 7 and he said that the devil is always following us so we must remain prayerful as Joseph was to avoid temptations.
  • Charity said that sometimes the people we live with want to change us. Joseph didn’t want to disobey God or his master, but he chose not to sin. Joseph continued to remain humble before the Lord and the Lord helped him.
  • Juliet said that Joseph was a God-fearing man, in verse 13 and 15 he was obedient to God. There are always temptations on the way every time you serve God, he overcame the temptations. Always be ready for them. Day to day life, you can be in a prison of poverty, single motherhood, but with God, you can overcome temptations. In 1 Corinthians 6:18, we should free from sexual immorality
  • Pius said that in this chapter he sees God’s plan. He continued that life gives setbacks, many things can happen and you end up regretting.  But we have to believe in what God is bringing in our lives. Joseph never regretted, despite everything that happened to him he forgave. We need to forgive others who wrong us.
  • Mark said that in this chapter Joseph wanted to stay clean in God’s eyes, so he persistently stayed righteous in God. He said that God blesses the righteous and there is no salivation without sacrifice.

BROTHERS IN CHRIST: Back in November of 2024 the Lord put on my heart to start some kind of young men’s ministry and discipleship program. After praying about this for a while on 15th Feb we “kicked off the ministry”. The day was led by Shakriah’s husband, Julius. We had 18 young men in attendance. I was around to welcome everyone, but since this is a “guy only “ministry program I did not attend the discussion. Julius led them through and discussed these topics:

  • What is a man?
  • How to be a Christian man?
  • What is the duty of a man in life?
  • What topics are men mostly interested in?
  • Challenges for men? 

The day was very well received! William said that he was thankful for the fellowship, the discussions and is looking forward to next month’s program, as this will be a part of our month youth programs. I’m thankful to God for the enthusiasm that Julius has to disciple these young men and for all that God has for their future!     


May God continue to move in your lives. May He bless you for all you do, say, pray and are to this ministry and to all of us!! Thank you and have a wonderful March!

In His Grip,

Rita Bulegeya

Missionary & Director -Faith Hope Love Missions


Categories Missionary News, Project News, Uncategorized, Youth News | Tags: | Posted on March 11, 2025

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