Greetings from rainy and green Uganda!! It has been raining nonstop all month! Though we are “soggy”, we are thankful that in Masaka we have had no flooding like other parts of Uganda and East Africa. We ask that you please keep our region and its people that have been displaced in your prayers. Thank you! Isaiah 55:10 For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater:


PUBLIC HOLIDAY: On 10 April the country and all of the Muslim world celebrated the end of the month long fasting of Ramadan with Eid Mubarak. We pray for our Muslim friends and community in Masaka to find the hope and freedom that is in Jesus!  

BOARD MEETING: On 13th April we held our 2nd Quarter Board Meeting at the Youth Centre. We looked over the September minutes and the Annual General Meeting minutes and discussed matters in the minutes. Then moved on to new business regarding the resignation of Joyce as a board member and the acceptance of Pastor Augustine to replace her. After we reviewed each the youth, the 1st Term Holiday Programs, and this quarter’s budget.

We ended with a discussion about the Centre, and fundraising for the current youth Centre Land. I updated them that we have $600.00 U.S. of the $84,000 needed to purchase the land. If any of you are led to contribute to our fundraising efforts please contact me at reetsindiego@yahoo.com or make a donation via the Shepherd’s Staff at https://ssmfi.denarionline.com/donate/?missionary=6050  Thank you in advance for you contribution to our goal to obtain land for a permanent youth centre for the community of Masaka!  


EOT: Our secondary SOAR Youth had their end of term (EOT) exams from 15th to 23rd April. They all finished the term well and were looking forward to their 1st term Holiday that began on 24th April till 27th May.

Unfortunately, the secondary 4, 5 and 6 youth really won’t get much of a break as they started Holiday Studies on 29th April. They are attending these classes in ordered to understand specific subjects better. For example all of the secondary 4 youth, Ruth, Pius, and Charity, are taking math and chemistry, which is a difficult subjects for most of them. Also Immy, who is in secondary 6, is taking extra studies in Economics. William, who is in secondary 5 is taking chemistry and biology. These classes give them one-on-one teaching, small groups for discussion and the ability to ask the teacher more in-depth questions then in a large classroom setting. We are thankful to be able to give them this additional educational assistance. Thank you also to the sponsors that make this happen!     


MOVIE DAY: On the 6th March we watched a thrilling true life movie called On A Wing And A Prayer. It is about a family that charters a small plane returning from a family funeral. On the journey the pilot dies and the father, Doug White, is forced to pilot the plane to safety, to save his entire family. Doug blamed God for having lost his dad, uncle, and brother in a short period of time and he questioned why God was allowing all this to happen to him. This incident gave him a lesson to forgive others, live by faith in God, and to know God is gracious and in control. These are our lessons learned from the movie.

  • Ruth: Even though you or we are born again do not relax. We should put all our focus on God through hills and valleys in everyday life He is always there and the devil is loitering around to track someone that’s not serious.
  • Pamela: She talked about the worries in our lives. She said God promises he will never leave us. Though Doug blamed God for losing his family and friend, God had not forsaken him.
  • Pius: Doug was persisted to save his family with strong love and faith.
  • Charity: God makes the impossible to be possible. God knows us better than we know our selves, He used the small experience of Doug had to make a big impact.
  • William:  If you are aiming for something good in your life do not be discouraged, we see Doug had a lot of courage.
  • Immy: The situation the family had was to test all their faiths. There is a reason for each and every problem in life.
  • Milly: We have to put our faith in God if we want him to work for us.

BIBLE STUDY: We continued reading chapter and verse through the book of Genesis. This month we covered chapters 8-12 in our weekly Tuesday Studies. Our study on the 09th in Genesis 9:1-29 stood out to me this month. I asked the youth, What is a covenant? Many said an agreement between two parties.  Then I shared that when we accept Jesus as our Savior we are making a salvation covenant with Him. I also shared about God making a covenant with Noah not destroy to the world again with a flood and giving us all a “remembrance” of His promise with the sign of the rainbow. Here are the youth’s comments and insight into this chapter:

  • Ruth (vs 1-7, 11) She stated that the same commands were given to Adam, to populate the earth, and have dominion over the creature. That God saw how creatures were destroyed in the flood, so God saw it as a concern never to destroy them again.
  • Immy (vs 5) She shared that God is telling us to preach salvation to people. We are to be exemplary, as God is going to ask us our accounts.
  • Pamela (vs 18-29) She said that many times we belittle others and shame them instead of helping them out and interceding for them. Noah’s son, Ham, did the same thing by not properly helping him and covering his nakedness. Though Noah had sinned and his son shamed him.
  • William said that Noah and his son were all wrong.
  • Milly said that Noah was faithful and patient.

FARMING: The eggplants and entula that the youth planted are growing. On the 20th they decided that weeding needed to be done, as the plants were being overtaken by the weeds. They also sprayed the plants for bugs and tended to their overall care. All the rain that we are receiving is helping them grow! We are hoping for a good harvest!   

BIBLE QUIZ: On 20th April we had Bible Quiz Day in which the youths separated into Group A and B. Mark Elvin, Charity, Ruth and Pius were all in Group A. Immy, William, Ronald and Milly were in Group B.  Aunt Juliet was in charge of time and Shakirah led. She gave each group questions that covered a wide range of Bible Trivia. It was a close contest but Group A edged out Group B with 139 points. The winners were to be given sweets. This program was beneficial and helped to spiritually encourage each and every youth to grow in the Word of God.

OUTREACH: On the 27th we went to the Masaka Referral Hospital for Outreach. This time we were in the Maternity Ward praying for the soon to be and recent mothers and their babies. We took along the baby caps that the youth had crocheted on 23rd March and gave them to the new babies. The mothers were very appreciative of the gift. We split into two groups, each taking a side of the ward and praying for the mothers. They were very receptive to our prayers for them. They also encouraged those that had lost their babies, praying for them not to lose hope but always to believe God in all circumstances. During our time there two of the mothers gave their lives to Christ!     


As you have read April was a blessed month! I thank the Lord for all of the joy, protection, provision and love that He sent to the ministry, the youth and our family in April. I pray that God is blessing you with the same. Until next month may the Lord bless you and keep you!

In His Grip,

Rita Bulegeya

Director -Faith Hope Love Missions


Categories Missionary News, Uganda News, Uncategorized, Youth News | Tags: | Posted on May 3, 2024

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