Slience is Broken
I’m sorry I’ve been silent for a month but I’ve been in Kampala in the riot, Tanzania at a University and for the last 3 plus weeks in a village in Western Uganda…Kisiizi. Kisiizi has NO internet, so I have lots of my adventures and experiences to blog about. I’m actually at a small internet site at Lake Bunyoni…outside Kabale right now.
Please look for these fun, interesting, and informational blogs to be post upon my return to Masaka; The Riot, Sights & sounds of Kisiizi, Village Life, St. Mark’s Nursery/Primary, One Wedding & a Funeral, and Four Hour Roller coaster Ride! 🙂 Just know that God is opening my eyes to so much and setting my direction to what He has for me! God Bless!!
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