My Grandpa

Feb 28
My Grandpa

I’ve been blessed to have known all my grandparents, but my Grandpa Walt was so special to me. The memories that I’ve been blessed to have of him and with him will be held close to my heart for the rest of my life. I think the first memory I have of him is going to church with him and Grandma at the original Harlan United Methodist Church. They would take me when I was little. I would fall asleep in the pew during service and he would always pick me up in his arms when the service was over. How comforting that was to me.

When I got older I remember riding my bike down to his market to visit him. Many times he and I would sit outside on the stone bench in front of the store chat, and have a nice cold bottle of soda (pop). It was very refreshing after a long ride and fantastic to spend time with him. As a child I sent many weekends over at my Grandparents house. Mostly because of my close age and friendship to my Aunt Lisa. One thing I loved was sitting with Gramps in his big old brown recliner as he told stories to me. On Sundays during the summer he’d make home made ice cream. We’d put the ice cream in these big pink bowls. He taught me to put chocolate on it and swirl it around till it was mushy again. That ice cream was the best I’ve ever tasted! When we were eating the wonderful goodness of cream, the whole family would sit in the living room and watch Wonderful World of Disney and Wild Kingdom. What a great memory!

I have so many more memories of my Gramps that I could tell but I think what is so awesome to me is the life that he lived. He lived simply, off the land, did things his way and loved life! He enjoyed hunting, fishing, camping, and traveling. His fish stories were bigger then life and his love of nature was awesome! One memory that comes to mind was the first time he took my family and I morel mushroom hunting. We went out in the woods to one of his favorite spots and sure enough we headed home with bags of morels. That night he and Grams cooked them up. They sure were yummy! He also loved people and it showed in the last few months of his life, with all of the cards and people that visited him that they loved him back.

I was so blessed to have been able to spend the last week and a half of my time in the U.S. with him. I thank the Lord for that time and the conversations that we had during the last few weeks of his life. He was an awesome man and I’m so glad that he knew the Lord and is in Heaven watching over all of us smiling and telling a dirty joke! 

Categories Uncategorized | Tags: | Posted on February 28, 2009

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