“The longest journey is the journey inward”
FHLM wants to love people and help build Christ-centered community everywhere our missionaries/volunteers go. Partnering with local churches & other community based organizations or NGOs in Uganda, we create a custom match for ministry and outreach, based on the talents, gifts and skills of willing people, like you!
FHLM Short Term Teams–2-4 weeks
FHLM Long Term Trips–3-6 months (you can choose)
We want to create an unforgettable experience for the people, and you–the missionary/volunteer!
So take a look inside your heart.
And then ask yourself, why not!?
If you would like to be a part of any of these on-going projects in Masaka, Uganda and the surrounding area please contact the director at reetsindiego@yahoo.com or read further on the “OPPORTUNITIES” page and “WHAT NEXT?” page of this site.