Request to be a Monthly Supporter of FHLM
The holiday season is a time for celebration and hope. As Christians, one of the ways we are called to celebrate hope and spread joy is by caring for those in need. As we prepare for the New Year, please join us in prayer, support and being a part of a purpose. Do you want to be part of a purpose? Is God moving you to be part of the global mission field in Uganda, Africa? You say, “I can’t be part of that I have a family, a job and commitments here where I live”. What would you be willing to give up to help? Perhaps one meal out or one Starbucks latte a week for a month?
By doing that and committing to being part of His purpose you’ll be assisting a teenager to go to school, helping to feed, & clothe them each day, giving them health care, and assisting in outreach programs in a developing country; all of this and much, much more by just giving a monthly donation to Faith Hope Love Missions.
What kind of monthly donation can I give that would help this organization and these teenagers? What does that donation provide Uganda?
- 25.00 U.S. per month provides food for two weeks for the teenagers of the organization, health care for when they fall sick with malaria or a cold; or school requirements for 1 teenager for each new school term.
- 50.00 U.S. per month provides for rent cost for the youth house and the missionary in charge of them or transportation for community outreach programs into the local villages.
- 100.00 U.S. per month provides much needed bunk beds for the teenage boys currently in the project. Presently they are sleeping on mattresses on the floor.
How can I support Faith Hope Love Missions and the current projects?
- You can donate on-line at
- Or send a donation check to the below address:
Rita Beach
c/o Faith Hope Love Missions
P.O. Box 220 PMB 156
Woodland Park, CO 80866
I hope that you will consider celebrating hope and being part of a new purpose in 2011!
Thank you for your love, support and prayers!
In Him,
Rita Beach
Long Term Missionary to Uganda
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